速報APP / 娛樂 / Humpty Dumpty Musical Baby Piano for Kid

Humpty Dumpty Musical Baby Piano for Kid



檔案大小:187.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Humpty Dumpty Musical Baby Piano for Kids(圖1)-速報App

Do you love to play some soothing fun piano for kids on your iPhone or iPad? If yes, download the Humpty Dumpty Musical Piano: this is one of the perfect instrumental music apps for babies, toddler, and preschool kids available on App store at free of cost!

It is a universal truth that kids love music! By hearing soothing and rhyming music they really feel happy and pacified. Music therapy makes a kid often receptive to musical tunes and develops their natural keenness to learn musical notes of different types.

How the app is unique

It is extremely easy to play the app Humpty Dumpty Baby Piano. You will get virtual piano keys on screen. Tap the piano keys for getting melodious piano tune and select from three instrumental nursery rhymes to be played on fun piano for kids.

Enjoy the Classic Nursery Rhymes Humpty Dumpty with the Piano.

This musical app will wonderfully develop your baby’s love and interest for music and rhymes. There are immaculate scopes of enjoying 10 great musical tunes on 6 musical instruments. The free version allows only piano tunes and 3 instrumental nursery rhymes.

With HD quality illustrations, digital quality of sound, and lively animation, the app Humpty Dumpty Musical Piano offers quality recreational time with your kids. Take a look at its complete package:

• 1 Classic piano keyboard music – 10 awesome musical notes

Humpty Dumpty Musical Baby Piano for Kids(圖2)-速報App

• 3 Instrumental Nursery Rhymes to enjoy unlimited,

• other than Piano, there are 5 more Instruments – 10 beautiful musical notes played on each instruments.

Features of the app:

Take a quick look at the entertaining features of the app:

• Colorful and attractive user interface: simple tap on the play button will start the musical game,

• Digital sound with awesome clarity is entertaining at its best,

• Jelly fish, the icon responds with every musical beat: the visual synchronization is a great fun for the babies playing with the app,

• You can ask your kids to play the piano keys on the screen: this will help the toddlers to improve their motor skill.

Humpty Dumpty Musical Baby Piano for Kids(圖3)-速報App

Download the musical app Humpty Dumpty Baby Piano and gift your kids a unique opportunity to explore a musical world at his fingertips.

Humpty Dumpty Musical Baby Piano for Kids(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad